
хлопот, забот и т. п. ПОЛОН РОТ у кого collInvarquantit subj-compl with бытье ( subj / gen : хлопот, забот etc), usu. presfixed WO
s.o. has very many (obligations, cares etc): у X-a хлопот \Р-179 - X has his hands full
(in limited contexts) X is up to his neck (ears ) in jobs (work etc )X has too much on his plate
у X-a своих (и без того) забот полон рот X has enough to do (handle etc ) as it is
X has enough to worry about without you (all this etc).
С потьминской пересылки меня направили в 10-ый лагерь. .. У новичка в лагере хлопот полон рот: надо найти место в бараке, получить койку, тюфяк, подушку, одеяло, постельные принадлежности, форменную спецовку для работы... (Марченко 1). From the Potma transit prison I was directed to camp number ten... .A novice in camp is up to his ears in jobs. First he has to find himself a place in a hut and get himself a cot, straw mattress, pillow, blanket and bedding, and regulation overalls for work... (1a).
И вправду, Фома, внезапно возникнув в купе, поспешил выручить главного: «Пошли, Валентина, пошли... У Петра Васильевича своих забот полон рот... Видишь, кругом документация...» (Максимов 3). Sure enough, Foma had suddenly materialized in the compartment and hastened to his boss's rescue "Come on, Valentina, come on....Pyotr Vasilievich has got enough to worry about without you.. .Documents all over the place, see?..." (3a).

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