
КАК СЕЛЬДЕЙ В БОЧКЕ (набилось) кого гдеКАК СЕЛЬДИ В БОЧКЕ (набились) both coll (как + NPthese forms onlyusu. quantit subj-compl with copula, subj: human (the 1st var. is used with subj / gen ), or adv quantiffixed WO
some people are crowded in some place that is too small to accommodate them: Х-ов в месте Y было как сельдей в бочке = Xs were packed (together) like sardines in (into) place Y.
Он (поезд) состоял... из здоровенных четырёхосных пульманов, и в каждом зэки, как сельди в бочке (Марченко 1). This (train)...consisted of big, strong, eight-wheeled cars into which the cons were packed like sardines (1a).

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