
ХОТЬ СВЯТЫХ (ВОН) ВЫНОСИ (НЕСИ, УНОСИ) obsoles, coll (хоть + VPimpcrthese forms onlyusu. subord clause, often introduced by чтоfixed WO
( sth. is) intolerable, appalling, embarrassing, or repulsive to the eyes or ears: (it (this NP etc) is) enough to make the saints blush
such a NP (so AdjP ) that the saints would blush(it (this NP etc) is) enough to make a preacher (the saints) swear(it (this NP etc) is) enough to try the patience of a saint.
Был он чудак... шутник, враль. Бывало, такого наврёт, хоть святых выноси (Грекова 3). Не was an oddball, a joker, a liar. Sometimes he could invent such lies that the saints would blush... (3a).

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