
ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ КОЗЛА В ОГОРОД collVPsubj: humanmore often pfv pastoften 3rd pers pl with indef. refer.the verb may take the final position, otherwise fixed WO
to allow s.o. access to some place where he may be esp. harmful or to some thing that he wants to use or exploit for personal gain: пустили козла в огород - they put the cow to mind the corn
they put the wolf in charge of the sheepthey put the fox to guard the henhouse (the chickens).
Весна девятнадцатого: наступает Деникин, полыхает восстание... Мигулина отзывают в Москву, в Смоленск... Убрали - значит, есть повод. Оставлять Мигулина на Дону во время казачьего бунта? Пустить козла в огород? (Трифонов 6). ...Spring 1919. Denikin was advancing, the uprising was blazing away. Migulin was recalled to Moscow, then to Smolensk.... If they kicked him out, then there mis a reason for it. Leave Migulin on the Don during the Cossack mutiny? Put a wolf in charge of the sheep? (6a).

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