
НА КОРНЮPrepPInvaradv
1. while (some grain, crop etc is) still in the field and uncut, unmown
before ifs (they are) harvested (cut down)
on the stalk(while) standing in the fields.
(Боркин:) Возьму вот и продам завтра тройку! Да-с!.. Овёс на корню продал, а завтра возьму и рожь продам (Чехов 4). (В.:) See if I don't (up and) sell the troika tomorrow! Yes, sir! I sold the oats before they were harvested, and you just see if I don't (up and) sell the rye too (4a).
2. засохнуть, увянуть, зачахнуть и т. п. \К-304 ( usu. of positive undertakings, aspirations etc) (to wither, fade away) while just beginning to develop: (wither) on the vine. ...He погнушался Твардовский пойти сам и в типографию «Известий» и там дал понять какому-то начальнику, что с «Корпусом» - не самоуправство, а есть такое мнение, и надо поторопиться... Совершился акт «набора»... Но очень скоро в ЦК очнулись, подправились... - и засохло всё на корню (Солженицын 2)____Tvardovsky did not think it beneath him to visit Izvestia's printing shops in person, and convey to some manager or other that he was not exceeding his authority in the matter of Cancer Ward, but that Somebody was of the same opinion, and that haste was therefore necessary....The deed was done, the type was set....But the Central Committee soon woke up to its mistake and set about rectifying it....The whole enterprise withered on the vine (2a).

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