
ВХОДИТЬ/ВОЙТИ В КУРС чего, usu. делаVPsubj: human to become familiarized with, comfortable doing sth.usu. some job, occupation etc)
X вошел в курс Y-a ' X became fully (well-) acquainted with Y
X learned the ropesX got into the swim (the swing) of things (it, Y).
Не успевал номер пятый... войти в курс дела, как его уже снимали и бросали на иную работу (Ильф и Петров 2). Hardly had the new inmate of No. 5 time to get into the swim of things when he was taken away and given some other job (2a).
Отец устроился, вошел, можно сказать, в курс, приобрел специальность... (Рыбаков 1). Father had settled down on the job, got into the swing of it, become skilled . (1a).

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