
СВЕРХ (СВЫШЕ) (ВСЯКОЙ) МЕРЫPrepPthese forms only)
1. Also: ЧЕРЕЗ (ЧРЕЗ) МЕРУ obs (modif) to a greater extent than is necessary, permissible, acceptable etc
excessivelyexceedinglymore than one should.
2. любить, ненавидеть и т. п. кого —
(to love, hate s.o. etc) with extreme intensity
beyond (all) measure
no ends.o. 's love (hate etc)) knows no end (bounds)(in limited contexts) beyond all reason.
Пётр Петрович (Лужин) презирал и ненавидел его (Лебезятникова) даже сверх меры, почти с того самого дня, как у него поселился... (Достоевский 3). ...Pyotr Petrovich despised and hated him (Lebezyatnikov), even beyond measure, and had done so almost from the very day he came to stay with him... (3c). ...He (Mr. Luzhin) had despised and hated him (Lebezyatnikov), beyond all reason even, almost from the very day he had moved in with him... (3a).

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