
ПОДОБРУ-ПОЗДОРОВУ (ПОДОБРУ ДА ПОЗДОРОВУ) collAdvPthese forms onlyadvfixed WO
1. жить, поживать, добраться куда и т. п. - obs (to live, be living, make one's way to some place etc) without problems or difficulties: (just (perfectly)) fine
(in refer, to how a person is doing at a given moment only) (be) quite well(in refer, to traveling only) (get somewhere) safe and sound (without mishap).
2. уйти, убраться - (to leave some place, go away) voluntarily and at a prudent time, while the situation is still calm (before a scandal erupts, sth. dangerous happens, or one is forced to leave)
while the going (the getting) is good
while there's still timewhile one is still in one piecebefore it's too late.
(Скотинин:) Да эдак и до меня доберутся...Уберусь же я отсюда подобру-поздорову (Фонвизин 1). (S.:) If they'll keep this up they'll get to me also....I'd better get out of here while the going's good (1a).
(Кречинский в глубокой задумчивости водит пальцем туда и сюда и произносит неясные слова. Расплюев следит за ним.) (Расплюев:) Уберусь я от него подобру-поздорову... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). (Krechinsky deep in thought wags his index finger and mutters to himself, Raspluyev watching.) (R.:) I better beat it while there's still time and I'm still in one piece (2a).
Многих, которые не успели умереть, выгнали за неблагонадёжность, других отдали под суд самые счастливые были те, которые... убрались подобру да поздорову в благоприобретенные углы (Гончаров 1). Many of those who had survived were dismissed as unreliable, others had been brought to trial, the luckiest were those who...retired, before it was too late, to their well-feathered nests (1b).

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