
ПО ТЕМ ВРЕМЕНАМPrepPInvaradvfixed WO
pertaining to standards, points of view, customs etc characteristic of a certain period (in the life of a people, state etc): for those times (days)
by the standards of the time(s).
Тридцать рублей в месяц как комендант Цика и столько же как участник ансамбля - неплохие деньги по тем временам, прямо-таки хорошие деньги... (Искандер 3). Thirty rubles а month as superintendent at the CEC, and as much again as a member of the ensemble-not bad money for those times, downright decent money... (3a).
...Центр Магадана выглядел вполне благопристойно, даже по тем временам шикарно... (Аксёнов 6). The center of Magadan...looked thoroughly respectable, and indeed, by the standards of the time, quite splendid... (6a).

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