
МАЛО РАДОСТИ (кому от кого-чего) collInvarimpers predic or subj-compl with бытье ( subj: infin)) sth. (or doing sth. ) is unpleasant (for s.o. ), it is not pleasurable (for s.o. to be in another's company)
X-y от Y-a (X-y делать Y) мало радости - doing Y is no treat (fun) (for X)
it's no (not much) fun doing (to do) YX doesn't get much pleasure out of (doing) Ything Y doesn't thrill Xdoing Y is not X's favorite thing (in the world).
«Конечно, мало радости сидеть круглый год в бюро, но что поделаешь...» (Михайловская 1). "Of course, its not much fun sitting around all year in a division office, but what can I do" (1a).

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