
БЕЗ РОДУ, БЕЗ ПЛЕМЕНИБЕЗ РОДУ И (БЕЗ) ПЛЕМЕНИPrepPthese forms onlynonagreeing modif or subj-compl with бытыз (subj: humanfixed WO
1. obs lowly, from a socially disadvantaged background
of low (humble) birth
of humble originof low (mean) parentage.
2. without family or loved ones
without (kith or) kin
without kinfolk (kindred)alone in the worldall alone.
Заигрались они (дети), не заметили, как зашли глубоко в чащу. А когда услышали шум и крики побоища и кинулись назад, то не застали в живых ни отцов, ни матерей своих, ни братьев, ни сестёр. Остались дети без роду, без племени (Айтматов 1). In the excitement of their game, they (the children) had gone deeper and deeper into the thickets. Hearing the din and noise of the attack, they rushed back, but found nobody alive-neither their fathers, nor their mothers, nor their brothers and sisters The children remained without kith or kin (1a).

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