
КАКОГО РОЖНА substand , rudeNP genInvarfixed WO
1. - надо, нужно, не хватает кому и т. п. (obj) what is it (that s.o. needs or that is lacking for s.o)
what the hell (in hell, the blazes, in blazes, the devil) does s.o. want (need)?
(Рита:) Уж (если) твой Валя им нехорош - не знаю, какого еще рожна надо! (Рощин 1). (R ) If your Valia isn't good enough for them-I don't know what the hell they need! (1a)
why, what for
why on earth (the hell, in hell, in blazes, the devil)?
what the hell (in blazes, the devil) for?

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