
СВОЯ РУБАШКА (РУБАХА) БЛИЖЕ К ТЕЛУ (saying) one's own well-being (or the well-being of those dear to one) is more important than other people's interests (when said of o.s. , usu. used to justify one's actionswhen said of another, usu. used disapprov ingly): - charity begins at homeself loves itself bestself comes firstpeople look out for number onepeople look out for their own skins firstmen value their own skins more than those (that) of others.
...Ни один из его клевретов - ни Бунина, ни Кулешов, ни Козловский - не подняли руку в его защиту. Почему? А потому что своя рубашка ближе к телу. Они за уважаемого только до тех пор, пока сила на его стороне (Войнович 3). ...Not one of his minions-not Bunina, not Kuleshov, not Kozlovsky --raised a hand in his defense. Why not9 Why, because charity begins at home. They were for their respected colleague only as long as he had the power (3a)
(author's usage) Просил раненый Степан: «Братцы! Не дайте пропасть! Братцы! Что ж вы меня бросаете!..» - но брызнула тут по проволоке пулеметная струя, и уползли казаки. «Станишники! Братцы!» - кричал вслед Степан, - да где уж там - своя рубашка, а не чужая к телу липнет (Шолохов 3). The wounded man had begged, "Brothers! Don't leave me to my death' How can you, brothers!" But a burst of machine-gun fire had splashed over the wire and the Cossacks made off. Stepan's imploring cry had followed them, but men value their own skins more than that of others (3a)

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