
РУКА РУКУ МОЕТ (saying) two parties cover for or assist each other in certain matters (which are, or are considered by the speaker to be, dishonest, reprehensible, undesirable etc): — one hand washes the otheryou scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursyou (they etc) all look after each other (one another)honor among thieves.
"...Все они зажиточные. Каждый имеет свой домик, свою бабу со всяким удовольствием... Половина из них баптисты. Сам хозяин (завода) - проповедник у них, ну, и рука руку моет...» (Шолохов 2). "...They're all comfortably off. Every one of them has his own house, his wife, and all they could wish for.... Half of 'em are Baptists. The owner (of the factory) himself is a preacher, so they all look after each other..." (2a).
«Ты что, лавочку здесь собрал? Рука руку моет, да? По тюрьме соскучился? Ты мне арапа не заправляй, не таких обламывали!» (Максимов 3). "So you've got a gang of crooks here? Honor among thieves? Can't wait to go to prison, is that it? I'm warning you, don't try to take me for a ride, we've had tougher ones than you to handle" (3a)
Loan translation of the Latin manus manum lavat.

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