
МАХНУТЬ РУКОЙ (на кого-что) collVPsubj: humanfixed WO
to cease attending to s.o. or sth. , cease expending time, effort etc on s.o. or sth. upon realizing that one's efforts are futile
X махнул на Y-a рукой = X gave up on Y
X gave Y up as a hopeless case (cause)X gave thing Y up as hopeless (as lost, for lost)X gave up the struggle
X махнул на себя рукой - X stopped caring (about himself)
X stopped taking care of himself.
(Аннунциата:) ...Государь махнул рукой на дела управления.Первые министры с тех пор стали сами сменять друг друга. А государь занялся театром (Шварц 3). (А.:).. .The King gave up on this business of running things. Since then the Prime Ministers themselves have done the replacing of each other. And the King took up the theater (3a).
...(Николай Петрович) должен был, подобно брату Павлу, поступить в военную службу но он переломил себе ногу в самый тот день, когда уже прибыло известие об его определении, и, пролежав два месяца в постели, на всю жизнь остался «хроменьким». Отец махнул на него рукой и пустил его по штатской (Тургенев 2). ...(Nikolai Petrovich) was destined, like his brother Pavel, to take up a military career, but he broke his leg on the very day that news was received that he had been accepted for the army and, having lain in bed for two months, was left with a slight limp which remained with him for the rest of his life. His father gave him up as a hopeless case and permitted him to take up a civilian career (2e).
(Мелузов:) А если я перестану учить, перестану верить в возможность улучшать людей или малодушно погружусь в бездействие и махну рукой на всё, тогда покупайте мне пистолет, спасибо скажу (Островский 11). (М.:) And if I do stop teaching, stop believing in the possibility of improving people, or pusillanimously sink into idleness and give up everything for lost, then buy me a revolver and 1*11 thank you! (11a).
Инженеру (Хлебцевичу) ничего не оставалось после этого, как махнуть рукой и вернуться к своей работе, пока не выгнали и оттуда (Владимиров 1). There was nothing left for Khlebtsevich to do but give up the struggle and return to his own work until such time as he was thrown out of his job (1a).
. ..Заметней всех изменилась Луиза, похудела, ссутулилась, и платье на ней было такой чудовищной пошлости и дешевизны, что Ольга Васильевна ужаснулась: женщина махнула на себя рукой! (Трифонов 3). .. The most noticeable change had occurred in Louisa, she had grown much thinner, she had a pronounced stoop and the dress she wore was so appallingly tasteless and cheap that Olga was horrified: the woman had so obviously stopped caring (3a).

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