
HE РАЗБЕРИ-ПОЙМЁШЬ (-ПОЙМИ, -БЕРИ) substandVPthese forms only) it is impossible to understand, make sense of (a situation)
who (the hell) knows?
you don't know what to make of ityou can't make head(s) or tail(s) of ityou can't figure it out.
Наутро разъехались все, кроме Руслана, который уже с неделю торчал на даче: то ли в отпуске, то ли взял работу домой, то ли заведение такое... что посещать не нужно, а денежки платят. Не разбери-поймешь... (Трифонов 6). The next morning they all departed except Ruslan, who had been hanging around the dacha for a week. Hard to tell whether he was on vacation, whether he had brought work home or whether...he could collect his pay without having to go in. Who knows? (6a).

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