
ДАВАТЬ/ДАТЬ ВЕРУ кому-чемуVPsubj: human to believe, have confidence in s.o. or sth. : X даёт веру Y-y = X puts (places) his trust (faith) in YX has (puts) trust (faith) in YX gives credence to thing Y
Neg X Y-y веры не даёт = X doesn't buy (fall for) thing Y
X doesn't take stock in thing Y "А вот ты наш, казак, и мы тебе веры больше даём (, чем агитаторам)...» (Шолохов 3). "But you here, you're one of us, a Cossack, we've got more trust in you (than in the agitators)..." (3a).
«Баба - кошка: кто погладил - к тому и ластится. А ты не верь, веры не давай» (Шолохов 2). WA woman's like a cat, she cuddles up to anyone who pets her. Don't trust 'em, don't put no faith in 'em!" (2a).

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