
ЧТОБЫ HE СКАЗАТЬ... ( InvarusedasConjfixed WO
used to introduce a harsher phrasing of what has just been stated, or to introduce a word (compar form of Adv) indicating that the speaker could have phrased his statement more harshly: (and) you could even (go so far as to) say
(and) it wouldn't even be stretching it to say
- больше (хуже и т. п.) - to say the least
to put it mildly (lightly).
Михаил вёл себя нечестно, чтобы не сказать просто подло. Mikhail acted dishonestly-you could even say downright meanly.
«В этом государстве, чтобы не сказать хуже, вы единственный, кого мне не противно целовать...» (Окуджава 2). "In this kingdom, to put it mildly, you are the only person it does not disgust me to kiss" (2a).

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