
НИ СЛУХУ НИ ДУХУ (нет) о ком-чём, от кого collNP genInvarfixed WO
there has been no news of s.o. or sth. (for an indicated or implied period of time, or since an indicated or implied moment): об X-e (от X-a) ни слуху ни духу = there has been neither hide nor hair of person X
there has been neither sight nor sound of person Xthere has been no word from person X (of X)I haven't (he hasn't etc) heard a word (a thing) about X (from person X)not a word has been heard about X(there has been) no sign (not a sign) of X.
Глуповцы торжествовали. Но, несмотря на то что внутренние враги были побеждены и польская интрига посрамлена, атаманам-молодцам было как-то не по себе, так как о новом градоначальнике всё еше не было ни слуху ни духу (Салтыков-Щедрин 1).The Foolovites celebrated. But despite the fact that their internal enemies had been conquered and the Polish intrigue disgraced, the bold atamans were still not quite themselves, since there was neither hide nor hair of a new town governor (1a).
...В положении Чонкина было что-то такое, что не давало ему жить спокойно, а именно то, что оставили его здесь вроде бы на неделю, но неделя эта прошла, а из части ни слуху ни духу, никаких дальнейших распоряжений (Войнович 2). ...There was something in Chonkin's situation which gave him no peace - namely, that he was supposed to have been left there for a week, the week had already passed, and there had been no word from his unit, no further instructions (2a).
До пасхи о войне не было ни слуху ни духу... (Шолохов 3). Not a word was heard about war right up to Easter... (3a).
«Я своего заказа жду два месяца, и о нём ни слуху ни духу» (Булгаков 10). "I've waited for my order for two months-and not a sign of it" (10a).

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