
ВСЯК СВЕРЧОК ЗНАЙ СВОЙ ШЕСТОКЗНАЙ СВЕРЧОК СВОЙ ШЕСТОК (saying) do not overstep the limits of your authority (said to or about a person who is behaving in a way inappropriate to his position or is interfering in someone else's affairs): = stay on your own side of the fencethe cobbler should (let the cobbler) stick to his lastmind your own business.
(Аграфена Кондратьевна:) Опомнись! (Большое:) Знай сверчок свой шесток! Не твое дело! (Островский 10). (А.К.:) Recollect yourself!
(В.:) Stay on your own side of the fence! This is none of your business! (10a).
(Кочкарёв:) He смыслишь ничего, не мешайся. Знай сверчок свой шесток - убирайся! (Гоголь 1). (К.:) You don't understand anything. Don't interfere. The cobbler should stick to his last. Clear off! (1a).

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С380 →← С379

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