
СВОЙ СОБАКИ ГРЫЗУТСЯ (ДЕРУТСЯ), ЧУЖАЯ НЕ ПРИСТАВАЙ (НЕ ПОДХОДИ) (saying) do not get involved in sth. that is not your affair (said when an outsider gets involved in a quarrel between close friends, spouses, relatives etc, thus putting himself in an awkward situation): -mind your own businesskeep your nose out of itdon't poke your nose where it doesn't belongthis is our (their) fight, keep out of ititfs (this is) none of your business.
«За что ты мальчика тиранишь?» - спросил Тиверзин, протискавшись сквозь толпу. «Свои собаки грызутся, чужая не подходи», - отрезал Худолеев (Пастернак 1). "Why do you tyrannize the boy?" asked Tiverzin, elbowing his way through the crowd. "It's none of your business," Khudoleiev snapped (1a).

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