
ТОЛЬКО ЧТО HE collInvarsent adv
1. very nearly
practicallyall butjust about(in limited contexts) virtually.
Три дня терзал её своим великодушием Григорий, а на четвёртый день уехал в район. Да не один, а с Варварой Иняхиной. И Анфиса, когда узнала об этом, только что не перекрестилась от радости. Пускай, пускай будут счастливы! (Абрамов 1). For three days Grigory had tortured her with his magnanimity, and on the fourth day he had left for the district center. Not alone, but with Varvara Inyakhina. When Anfisa had learned about that she had practically crossed herself for joy. Let them be happy! (1a).
Поместив сына по-прежнему в кабинет, он (Василий Иванович) только что не прятался от него и жену свою удерживал от всяких лишних изъявлений нежности (Тургенев 2). Having reinstalled his son in his study he (Vassily Ivanovich) all but hid himself from him and restrained his wife from too exuberant a display of affection (2a).
2. (used to indicate that the attribute, quality etc following the idiom is the only one in a specified or implied series that a person or thing is missing) (a person or thing has all the qualities etc specified or implied) but not...: except that s.o. is not ( sth. does not etc)...
the only thing lacking (that s.o. lacks etc) is...the only thing (problem) is, s.o. sth. doesn't (can't etc)...the only thing missing is...the only thing s.o. sth. doesn't have (can't do etc) is...s.o. sth. lacks only... Мальчик он неплохой, только что не умеет вести себя. He's basically a good kid, the only thing is he doesn't know how to behave himself.

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