
ТОМУ НАЗАД ( Invaradvused after an NP denoting a span of timefixed WO
used to denote the amount of time elapsed between a specific point in the past and the moment of speech or the moment indicated
(in limited contexts) (a week (a few days etc )) before
[m3]earlier ). «Несколько дней тому назад вашему сиятельству в одном доме указали на дверь...» (Тургенев 3). UA few days ago your lordship was shown the door in a certain house" (3a).
С неделю тому назад французы получили сапожный товар и полотно и роздали шить сапоги и рубахи пленным солдатам (Толстой 7). The French soldiers had been issued boot leather and linen the week before, and they had given it out to the prisoners to make into boots and shirts (7a).

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