
1. - (на чём) to cease doing sth. (temporarily or permanently)
X поставил точку = X called it quits
X quit at thatX hung it upX left it at that(in limited contexts) X called it a day
X поставил точку на Y-e = X closed the book(s) (the door) on Y
X drew the curtain on (over) YX laid Y to rest.
2. \Т-186 (на ком-чём) to terminate a relationship with s.o. : X поставил точку на Y-e - X put an end to thing Y
X was through with person YX severed his relationship with person YX parted company with person Y.
(author's usage) Что же касается жены, то его (Вадима) с нею уже ничто не связывало. Отказавшись взять Вадима из больницы, она сама поставила точку в их недолгих и малопонятных и ей и ему взаимоотношениях (Максимов 3). As for his (Vadim's) wife, the last ties between them had been broken long ago. By refusing to take Vadim home from the hospital she had put an end to their brief and-for both of them-incomprehensible liaison (3a).

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