
ДО ТОШНОТЫ collPrepPInvaradv (intensif) or modif ) very much, to an extreme degree
to the point of nausea
ad nauseam
X надоел Y-y \Т-190 = Yis sick to death of X
Y has had it up to here with X
X наелся \Т-190 - X stuffed himself to the gills
X ate himself sick
X накормил Y-a \Т-190 - X stuffed Y to the gills
- голодный - sick with hunger
\Т-190 однообразный (одинаковый, похожий) - dreadfully monotonous
disgustingly alike (similar)so alike it's sickening (disgusting etc).
Пресловутый «Господин из Сан-Франциско» - беспросветен, краски в нём нагромождены до тошноты (Олеша 3). The notorious Gentleman from San Francisco is cheerless, the images in it are piled up to the point of nausea (3a).

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Т191 →← Т19

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