
ЗАХОДИТЬ/ЗАЙТИ В ТУПИКVPsubj: human, collect, or abstr (дело, дела, спор etc)more often pfv past) (of a person, a group, a matter, an argument etc) to reach or end up at a point from which further progress cannot be made, the goal in question cannot be attained, the problem in question cannot be solved etcusu. in cases when all possible means of reaching the desired goal have been exhausted)
X зашёл в тупик - X reached an impasse (a dead end, a deadlock)
X ran into a blind alleything X was deadlockedperson X came up against a brick wall (a dead end).
Дела мои зашли в тупик. Долги, семейный разлад, отсутствие перспектив... (Довлатов 1). My life had reached an impasse. Debts, family strife, a lack of perspective... (1a).
Он заявил, что здравоохранение зайдёт в тупик, если изучение вирусов не станет делом государственного значения (Каверин 1). Не declared that the health service would inevitably run into a blind alley if the study of viruses was not accorded State importance... (1a).
Примерно с середины лета, окончательно зайдя в тупик, они (следователи) начали следствие по ст(атье) 70 (Буковский 1). Around the middle of the summer they (my investigators) came up against a total dead end and started a new investigation under Article 70 (1a).

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