
ПУСКАТЬСЯ/ПУСТИТЬСЯ ВО ВСЕ ТЯЖКИЕ (ВО ВСЯ ТЯЖКАЯ obs) coll, disapprovVPsubj: humanmore often pfv )
1. to begin to behave in a morally reprehensible manner ( usu. by starting to drink excessively, womanize etc)
X пустился во все тяжкие - X has plunged into dissipation (into a life of moral abandon)
X has become a wastrel (a profligate, a rake etc)X has adopted (taken to) a disgraceful (shameful etc) life styleX has abandoned himself to drinking (debauchery etc).
2. to resort to any means ( occas. unlawful) in order to achieve one's aims
X пустился во все тяжкие = X went to all lengths
X pulled out all the stopsX went all outX did whatever it took.

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