
ТИП ДА ЛЯПТЯП-ЛЯП both collInvarfixed WO
(to do sth. ) hastily and carelessly
sloppilyin a slipshod wayany old waybing, bang, boom.
Книжные полки никуда не годятся, он их сделал тяп-ляп. These bookshelves are good for nothing, he put them together slapdash.
Interjoften used as predic ( impers or with subj: всё)) used as an appraisal of how s.o. does sth. quickly but carelessly and crudely: (slam) bang—and it's done.
«Вы хотели ведь написать к домовому хозяину?.. Вот бы теперь и написали». - «Теперь, теперь! Ещё у меня поважнее есть дело. Ты думаешь, что это дрова рубить? Тяп да ляп?» (Гончаров 1). "But you were going to write to the landlord, weren't you, sir?...You ought to write him now, sir.** "Now, now! I have much more important business to attend to. You think it's just like chopping wood? Bang-and it's done?** (1a).

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