
ТАКОЙ-СЯКОЙ (ТАКОЙ И СЯКОЙ) coll usu. humorТАКОЙ-СЯКОЙ (СУХОЙ) НЕМАЗАНЫЙ (НЕМАЗАНЫЙ СУХОЙ) substand , occas. humorAdjPusu. subj-compl with бытыз (subj: human, pres only) or detached modiffixed WO
used in place of a detailed, usu. negative, assessment of a person's character when addressing or referring to that person
you (that, the) (old) so-and-so
(in limited contexts) you (that, the) (old) son of a gun.
«Мать отправляет свою дочь отца искать - ага. „Иди, -говорит, - в забегаловку, опять он, такой-сякой, наверно, там". Он, понятное дело, там...» (Распутин 3). "Mum sends her daughter out to find Dad. 'Look in the boozer,* she says. That's where he'll be, the old so-and-so.' Sure enough, he's there..." (3a).

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