
1. (subj: human to hit s.o. repeatedly ( usu. while holding him by the hair)
X дал Y-y таску - X grabbed Y by the hair and punched the crap (the hell etc ) out of him
X beat the tar (the crap etc) out of Y.
2. (subj: human ( usu. pi) or collect) to cause s.o. ( usu. a hostile army, the enemy) great losses, overwhelm or defeat s.o. : Х-ы дали Y-ам таску = Xs crushed (routed, clobbered) Ys
Xs gave Ys a good (real etc) thrashing (beating etc). ...(Фёдор Карлович) похвастался тем, что он был рекрутом под Ватерлоо и что немцы дали страшную таску французам (Герцен 1). ...(FedorKarlovich bragged) of having been a recruit at Waterloo, and of the Germans having given the French a terrible thrashing (1a).

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