
НА УМЕ у когоPrepPInvarthe resulting PrepP is usu. subj-compl with быть» ( subj: abstr or, less often, human)) some thing (or, occas., person) occupies s.o. 's thoughts: у Y-a на уме X - X is on Y's mindY has X on Y's mindY has X on the brain(of some trick, mischief etc) Y is up to somethingY has something up his sleeve
у Y-a одно (один X, только X) на уме - X is all Y thinks of
all Y thinks of is XY has only one thing on his mind-XY thinks of nothing but XY is obsessed (has an obsession) with X(in limited contexts) Y has a one-track mind.
Нет, надо скорей повидать Андрея, узнать, что у него на уме (Распутин 2).No, she had to see Andrei soon, to find out what was on his mind (2a).
Величавая дикость прежнего времени исчезла без следа вместо гигантов, сгибавших подковы и ломавших целковые, явились люди женоподобные, у которых были на уме только милые непристойности (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The majestic savagery of former times disappeared without a trace, instead of giants bending horseshoes and breaking silver rubles, there were effeminate men who had only sweet indecencies on their minds (1a).
«На уме мальчики, лак для ногтей, губная помада морковного цвета, разбирается» (Рыбаков 2). "Boys on the brain, painted fingernails, lipstick the color of carrots, she knows it all" (2a).
Ну, Егор, с тобой не соскучишься. Что же у тебя на уме, парень?» (Шукшин 1). "Well, Egor, with you it's never boring. What are you up to now, I wonder?" (1a).
Степан Андреянович, сливая в чугун воду, покачал головой: «У нашего Егора одно на уме — клуб» (Абрамов 1). Stepan Andreyanovich shook his head as he poured water into the kettle, and he said, "Our Egor has only one thing on his mind: the club" (1a).
У тебя одно на уме - войти в историю» (Терц 4). "You've got this obsession with becoming a historical figure" (4a).

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