
ВО ХМЕЛЮPrepPInvaradv or subj-compl with бытье (subj: human) when (one is) in an intoxicated state
when (one is) loaded
(when one is) under the influencewhen (one is) in one's cups.
Тихий и уступчивый по натуре, отец во хмелю терял рассудок... (Максимов 1). Quiet and amenable by nature, he became irrational in his cups... (1a).
«Как вы изволили тогда приходить, может во хмелю, и дворников в квартал звали и про кровь спрашивали, обидно мне стало, что втуне оставили и за пьяного вас почли» (Достоевский 3). "When you came that time, maybe under the influence, and told the caretakers to go to the precinct, and asked about blood, I felt bad because it all came to nothing, and you were taken for drunk" (3c).

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