
БИТЬ (УДАРИТЬ/УДАРИТЬ) ЧЕЛОМ obs, now used in stylized speechVPsubj: human
1. - (кому) to bow respectfully when greeting s.o. (often as a sign of deference, subordination)
X бил челом Y-y = X bowed low to Y
X bowed humbly before Y.
2. - кому to request sth. respectfully and deferentially
X бил челом Y-y - X humbly implored (begged) Y
X asked Y most humblyX made (a) humble petition to Y.
(Хлестаков:) А что вы, любезные? (Купцы:) Челом бьем вашей милости. (Хлестаков:) А что вам угодно? (Гоголь 4). (Kh.:) What is it, my good fellows? (Merchants:) We make humble petition to Your Grace. (Kh.:) Well, and what do you want? (4b).
3. \Ч-55\Ч-55 (кому) на кого to complain to s.o. (in a position of authority) about another person's wrongdoings
X челом бил Y-y на Z-a = X made humble petition to Y against Z
X lodged a complaint (to Y) against Z.
(Хлестаков:) Что тебе нужно? (Слесарша:) ...На городничего челом бью! (Гоголь 4). (Kh.:) What do you want? (Locksmith's wife:) ...I make humble petition to you against the Prefect! (4b).
(Скотинин:) Сколько меня соседи ни обижали, сколько убытку ни делали, я ни на кого не бил челом... (Фонвизин 1). (S.:) No matter how much my neighbors have offended me, no matter how many losses they've caused me, I've not lodged a complaint against anyone... (1a).
4. - кому за что to express profound gratitude
X бил челом Y-y X bowed low (bowed down) to Y in gratitude
X offered Y humble thanks.

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Ч56 →← Ч54

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