
HE ТАК СТРАШЕН ЧЁРТ, КАК ЕГО МАЛЮЮТ (saying) although the person, place, phenomenon etc in question is bad, he or it is not so terrible as he or it seems to be or is said to be ( usu. said to hearten s.o. who fears some new place, some unfamiliar circumstances, some person in a position of power etcalso used to describe one's experiences at such a place, in such a circumstance, or with such a personoccas. used in response to another's attempt to intimidate one): - the devil is not so (as) black as he is painted.
Густой... туман стоял над Эльгеном, когда наши машины въехали на его главную магистраль... Мимо нас, по направлению к лагерю, шли длинные вереницы «работяг», окружённых конвоирами... «Да не сокрушайтесь сильно-то... Эльген да Эльген... Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют» (Гинзбург 1). Elgen was covered with thick mist as we drove along its main thoroughfare....Long lines of workers, surrounded by guards, filed past us on their way to camp...."Don't get too down-hearted. We're at Elgen all right but the devil isn't always as black as he's painted" (1a).

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