
ЭTO (УЖ (УЖЕ) СЛИШКОМ coll (sent with быть)fixed WO
this exceeds the limits of the acceptable, permissible etc
that (this) is (would be) going too far
(in refer, to exaggeration) s.o. is (that would be) spreading it (on) too thick(ly).
Он уже хотел было выразиться в таком духе, что, на-слышась о добродетелях (Плюшкина)... почёл долгом принести лично дань уважения, но спохватился и почувствовал, что это слишком (Гоголь 3). Не was about to venture an explanation in the vein that having heard of Pliushkin's virtues., .he had deemed it his duty to pay him his due tribute of respect in person, but he reined up in time, realizing that it would be spreading it too thickly (3c).

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Э9 →← Э7

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