
(И) КОНЧЕН БАЛ (sentthese forms onlyfixed WO
that is the end of what has been going on, it is all over
the party (the game, the ball) is over
(in refer, to criminal activities, wrongdoings etc) the jig (the game) is up.
Каждое её слово камнем откладывалось в нём, всё утяжеляя и утяжеляя тёмный груз переполнявшей его горечи... Никогда раньше Золотарёву не приходилось испытывать подобной муки... И горячечно забываясь в ночи, он с отчаянием подытожил: «Кончен бал!» (Максимов 1). Every word she spoke fell like a stone upon him, making the dark burden of the anguish that filled him more and more unbearable... .Zolotarev had never experienced such torment before....And as he drifted into feverish sleep he concluded in despair, The ball is over!" (1a).

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