
(И) НИКАКИХ ГВОЗДЕЙ collthese forms onlysentusu. the concluding clause in a compound sent or indep. sentoften used after a verb denoting a command, decision etc that should be carried outfixed WO
(used to emphasize the categorical nature of an order, the finality of a decision etc) no objection or discussion will be tolerated
and that's that
and that's finaland I (he etc) won't take no for an answerand I (he etc) won't hear of anything else(when used with a command) and no (ifs, ands, or) buts (about it)and no argument(s) (back talk, nonsense).
...Как здорово она (Яковлева) отбрила этого Бударина: «Все, с этим вопросом покончено». И никаких гвоздей! Участвовать в нарушении закона она не может (Войнович 3). How soundly she (Yakovleva) rebuked that Budarin: "That's all, the matter is finished." And that was that! She would not be an accessory to a violation of the law (3a).
«Ты ж знаешь мою Дусю, расплакалась: „Поехали выручать сынулю!" - и никаких гвоздей» (Черненок 1). "You know my Dusya, she starts wailing, 'Let's go save our son!'-and won't hear of anything else" (1a).

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