
ГОЛОВА ПУХНЕТ/РАСПУХЛА у кого (от чего) collVP subj.usu. impfvusu. this WO s.o. loses the ability to think clearly because of excessive work, concerns, noise etc, s.o. is in a state of extreme mental exertion: у X-a голова пухнет (от Y-a) - Y makes XS head spin (reel)XS head is spinning (reeling)Y gives X a headacheX feels like (that, as if) his head is about to explode (from Y).
"...Пишут, пишут... конгресс, немцы какие-то... Голова пухнет» (Булгаков 11). "They...write and write all that crap... all about some congress and some Germans....Makes my head reel" (lib).

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