
СНЯВШИ ГОЛОВУ, ПО ВОЛОСАМ НЕ ПЛАЧУТ (saying) after an irreparable act has been committed or a permanent loss suffered, it is futile to grieve over it (or insignificant details related to it): - if you sell the cow, you sell her milkthere is no use (point, sense) (in) crying over spilt (spilled) milk.
"Я боюсь, что тут мы будем больше на виду, чем в Москве, откуда бежали в поисках незаметности. Конечно, делать теперь нечего. Снявши голову, по волосам не плачут. Но лучше не высказываться, скрываться, держаться скромнее» (Пастернак 1). "I am afraid that after leaving Moscow to escape notice, we are going to be even more conspicuous here. Not that there is anything to be done about it, and there certainly isn't any sense in crying over spilt milk. But we'd better stay in the background and keep quiet" (1a).

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