
ЗАСТРЕВАТЬ/ЗАСТРЙТЬ В ГОРЛЕ у кого collVPsubj: слова, упрёк(и) etc) (of a statement, reproach etc) to be left unsaid, unfinished (because the speaker cannot bring himself to say it, is overwhelmed by emotion, is embarrassed or ashamed, realizes that what he is about to say is offensive etc): слова застряли у X-a в горле - the words stuck in X's throatthe words didn't (wouldn't) come out.
Басмановой предложили обмен... Пришёл мужчина в зелёной велюровой шляпе, подал Басмановой эту мысль и ушёл. Мы думали, она возмутится, пойдёт красными пятнами, бросит свой отказ вслед велюровой шляпе — ничуть! Басманова зашла к нам в комнату... и плавным голосом пересказала нам эту мысль, и даже слова не застревали у неё в горле, а лились не иссякая... (Михайловская 1). Basmanova was offered an exchange of rooms... .A man in a green velvet hat came to see Basmanova, made the suggestion and left. We thought she would be indignant, that her face would flush, that she would hurl her refusal at the velvet hat -not at all! Basmanova came to our room.. .and in a smooth voice, told us of the idea. The words did not stick in her throat, they poured out in an endless stream (1a).

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