
ОТ ГОРШКА ДВА (ТРИ) ВЕРШКА collNPthese forms onlyusu. predic with subj: human, often omittedfixed WO
(of a child or, less often, an adult) very small in height
knee-high to a grasshopper
a little bit of a thingpeeweehalf pintpint-size ( NP)(accompanied by the gesture of placing the hand at a level indicating a short height) no bigger
taller, higher) than this.
«Вон слыхал про Мамлакат, от горшка два вершка, а с самим вождём за ручку здоровкается ( ungrammat = здоровается)» (Максимов 2). "You've heard about Mamlakat-only knee-high to a grasshopper she was, but she got to meet Stalin" (2a).
...Вершок» is an old unit of linear measurement equal to 4.4 cm.

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