
НА ВСЁМ ГОТОВОМ житьPrepP , Invaradvfixed WO
(to live) having food, housing (and sometimes clothes) provided by s.o. (often without having any household duties)
all onefc needs are provided for
everything one needs is provided(have) bed (room) and board providedbe provided with board (food) and lodgings(in limited contexts) everything is done for (handed to) one.
"...На всём готовом будешь жить. Что тут размышлять? Переезжай да и конец...» (Гончаров 1) uYou will be provided with board and lodgings. Why hesitate? Move - and that's the end of it" (1a).
«Послушай, Верочка. Ты... жила в семье на всём готовом. Я тебя не осуждаю, я хочу тебе добра и только добра... Мы с тобой муж и жена. У каждого из нас есть права и есть обязан- ности. Моя обязанность - служить, приносить домой деньги. Твоя обязанность - вести дом» (Грекова 3). "Listen, Verochka....You've lived in a family where everything was done for you. I don't blame you. I wish you the best and only the best.... You and I are husband and wife. Each of us has his rights and duties. My duty is to work, to bring home money. Your duty is to take care of the house" (3a).

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