
ОТ ГРЕХА ПОДАЛЬШЕ collAdvPInvaradvusu. this WO in order to avoid some conflict, misfortune, a fight etc: (in order) to be (to get s.o. etc) out of harnris way(in order) to get (to keep) away from trouble (from temptation)(in order) to keep ( s.o. ) (to stay) out of trouble(in order) to flee from temptation (from trouble)(in order) to steer clear of trouble (of temptation)before something happens to one.
«Пока нас не трогают и силком не берут в часть, надо... уезжать от греха подальше...»(Шолохов 5). "We've got to get out of harm's way... before someone recruits us by force..." (5a).
«...Я пойду узнаю, как там дела». И пошел (Едигей) с потемневшим, неприязненным лицом, подальше от греха. Брови его сошлись на переносице (Айтматов 2). "...I will go and see how things are out there." Off he (Yedigei) went, his face dark and hostile, to get away from temptation, his brows furrowed with anger (2a).
Оба (брата) исчезли в ночь перед арестом Ивана Хохлушки на. Матвей всегда отличался скрытностью и, видно почуяв неладное, ушёл и увёл за собой брата... от греха подальше (Максимов 1). ...They (the two brothers) both disappeared the night before Ivan Khokhlushkin was arrested. Matvei was always secretive and he'd evidently got wind of something being up, for he had gone off, taking his brother with him, so as to keep him out of trouble (1a).
Пока полк выстраивался на дороге, генерал вместе с Ревкиным сел в бронетранспортёр и уехал. Уехал от греха подальше и Голубев (Войнович 2). While the regiment was forming on the road, the general and Revkin climbed into the armored carrier and drove away. Golubev drove away as well, before something happened to him too (2a).

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