
ВО ВСЕ ГЛАЗА (В 6БА ГЛАЪА rare) смотреть, глядеть на кого-что collPrepPthese forms onlyadvused with impfv verbsfixed WO
(to look, stare at s.o. or sth. ) with one's full attention, completely absorbed in what is happening, intensely, trying not to miss anything: (be (look at s.o. , stare at sth. )) all eyes
(stare etc at s.o. (sth.» wide-eyed (with wide-open eyes)(look) hard (at s.o. sth. )fix one's eyes (on s.o. sth. )(look etc at s.o. sth. ) with rapt attention.
«Экий чёрт!» - думал Чичиков, глядя на него (Ко-станжогло) в оба глаза...(Гоголь 3). "What a devil!" thought Chichikov, looking at him (Kostanzhoglo), all eyes (3c).
Видимо, он (человек с лопатой) так был поражён, что товарищ Сталин вдруг оказался в такой близости от него, что, забыв про все инструкции, открыто, во все глаза смотрел на него (Искандер 3). Evidently he (the man with the shovel) was so thrilled that Comrade Stalin had suddenly appeared so close to him that he forgot all his instructions and stared at him openly, all eyes (3a).
Да разве после одного счастья бывает другое, потом третье, такое же?» -спрашивала она, глядя на него во все глаза (Гончаров 1). "Do you really think that one happiness is followed by another, and then a third, exactly like it?" she asked, looking at him wide-eyed (1b).
Сольц во все глаза смотрел на Сашу, видимо, не понимая, что вообще происходит... (Рыбаков 2). Solts looked hard at Sasha, apparently unable to understand...what was going on in general... (2a).
Она стояла под порогом, словно приросшая к полу, и во все глаза смотрела на подходившего к ней мужа (Абрамов 1). She stood at the foot of the porch steps as if rooted to the spot, and fixed her eyes on her approaching husband (1a).

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