
ПУЩЕ ГЛАЗА беречь кого-что, хранить чтоПАЧЕ ГЛАЗА (бКА) obsAdvPthese forms onlyadvfixed WO
(to treat s.o. or sth. that one cherishes, that is very valuable etc) as very dear, (to guard, watch over sth. valuable) vigilantly, attentively: (cherish (treasure) s.o. sth. ) more than life itself (more than one's life)
(guard sth. ) with one's life.
(Мигаев:) Да, чудак, давно б я его (портсигар) заложил, да нельзя - дареный, в знак памяти, пуще глазу его берегу (Островский 11). (М.:) Td have pawned it (the cigar case) long ago, but I mustn't
it was given to me as a token of remembrance. I treasure it more than my life (1 la).

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