
СВОЙ БРАТ collNPsing onlyoften foil. by an appos denoting the class of people in questionwhen used as obj or (less often) subj, usu. refers to the class as a wholewhen used as subj-compl with copula, nom only (subj: human, usu. refers to a specific individual within that classfixed WO
a person or persons similar to the person or persons specified (by the appositive and/or context) with regard to position, profession, social status, views etc (more often of males): (when used as obj or subj) people (men, guys, fellows etc) like us (me, you etc)
the likes of us (me, you, him, her, them)( usu. when foil.by an appos) our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writers (workers etc)(in limited contexts) our (my, your, his, her, their) (own) kind (sort)those (people) of our (your, their) ilk(when used as subj-compl ) one of us (you, them)one of us (you) writers (workers etc)one of our (your, their) kind (sort)one of our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writers (workers etc)our (my, your, his, her, their) fellow writer (worker etc)(in limited contexts) one of our (your, their) ilk.
Обычно у Крымова складывались хорошие отношения со строевыми командирами, вполне сносные со штабными, а раздражённые и не всегда искренние со своим же братом политическими работниками (Гроссман 2). As a rule, he (Krymov) was able to establish good relations with officers in the field, tolerable relations with staff officers, and only awkward, rather insincere relations with his fellow political-workers (2a).
Слуги также привязались к нему (Базарову), хотя он над ними подтрунивал: они чувствовали, что он всё-таки свой брат, не барин (Тургенев 2). The servants also grew attached to him (Bazarov), though he was always deriding them: they felt that none the less he was one of them, and not a master (2f).

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