
ХУДО (ПЛОХО) БУДЕТ (кому) collVPimpersthese forms onlyusu. a clause in a compound sentpreceded by one or more clauses expressing prohibition, warning etcoften after а то, не то, иначе etc) (if s.o. disobeys an order, fails to do what he should do etc) there will be trouble (for him and/or another or others)
X-y худо будет = X will be sorry
X will be in hot waterX will have the devil to payX will come to a bad end(when the situation is already bad) things will only get worse.
«Раз подъехал к нему и говорю шутейно ( substand = шутливо): „Пора бы привалом стать, ваше благородие -товарищ Мелехов!" Ворохнул ( substand , here = сверкнул) он на меня глазами, говорит: „Ты мне эти шутки брось, а то плохо будет"» (Шолохов 5). uOne day I rides up to him and says joking like, Time to call a halt, Your Honour-Comrade Melekhov!' And you should have seen his eyes flash! 'Just you drop those jokes of yours, or you'll come to a bad end,' he says" (5a).

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