
HE ТВОЁ (его и т. п.) СОБАЧЬЕ ДЕЛО substand , rude (sentthese forms onlyfixed WO
it absolutely does not concern you (him etc), does not have any relation to you (him etc): itfs none of your (his etc) goddamn(ed) (damn, fucking) business
don't stick your nose where it doesn't belongkeep your nose out of my (our, other peopled etc) business.
Всё это должно делаться не так, и не их это собачье дело, не они за это отвечают, и никто их не просит заниматься таким просветительством... (Стругацкие 1). This is not the way it should be done. And it's none of their goddamned business, it's not their responsibility, no one asked them to engage in educational activities (1a).

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