
НАСИЛЬНО МИЛ HE БУДЕШЬ (saying) a person cannot be forced to extend his affections to another, nor can he be forced to accept another's affections: = love cannot be compelled (forced)you can't force someone (him, her etc ) to love (like) you(in limited contexts) you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him (it) drink.
...Я подал заявление об увольнении ввиду возвращения в родной город, моя фабрика прислала запрос с просьбой вернуть меня обратно. Бойцов не хотел меня отпускать. «Чем мы вас обидели?» - «Ничем, - отвечаю, - но так сложились семейные обстоятельства, надо возвращаться домой». -«Ну что ж, - говорит, - насильно мил не будешь» (Рыбаков 1). . .1 put in a request for a transfer to my home town
my own factory had written to ask whether I could be sent back. Boitsov didn't want me to go. uHow did we offend you9" "You didn't," I replied. "Family circumstances, I have to go home." "Oh well, love can't be forced," he said (1a).
(Пепел:) Ну... говори... (Василиса:) Что же говорить? Насильно мил не будешь... и не в моем это характере милости просить... (Горький 3). (Р:) Well, if you have anything to say - (V.:) What is there to say? You can't force one to like you - and it's not in my character to beg for alms (3b).

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