
ЖИТЬ СЕГОДНЯШНИМ ДНЁМVPsubj: humanusu. this WO
1. to be concerned with the present, live in the present, not thinking about the future
X живёт сегодняшним днём - X lives for the moment (the present, the day, today)
X takes one day at a timeX takes life (it) as it comes, one day at a timeX lives from one day to the next (from day to day).
Мы жили сегодняшним днём, не ожидая от будущего ничего, кроме мелких пакостей (Окуджава 2). We lived for the day, expecting nothing from the future except petty irritations (2a).
2. to show interest in current events, preserve ties with reality
X живёт сегодняшним днём - X keeps up on (with) things (what's happening, the news, the latest happenings)
X keeps himself informedX keeps abreast of the news (the times).

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